Technical translation service in Poland

Technical and Specialised translations for your company

Specialised translation refers to the translation of specialised documents. They include highly complex documents requiring additional knowledge from the translator. They often feature specialised and difficult vocabulary. Technical documents tend to be written by experts in their fields, and riddled with complex or specialised terminology.

Apart from the language and translation skills themselves, translators of specialised texts must possess additional and in-depth knowledge of a given field. Think of heavy machinery instruction manuals, architect plans’ notes or technical documentation in software engineering.

We are experts in technical and specialised translation

These types of documents are time-consuming and require additional work from the translator. For MTR’s translators, your industry will have no secrets. We provide: Polish-English translation, English-Polish translation, Polish-German translation, German-Polish translation, French-Polish translation.

We work with the latest translation technologies

Our Polish translation agency is located in Warsaw and it is where we run things but we provide translations into English from all around Poland. As a result, you can be sure that no matter where you are, you will receive a professional translation even within 24 hours (depending on the document).

Years in the translation services market
Professional Polish translators
Mln translated words
20 000
Polish translation projects
46 000
Translation projects
Clients - translation agencies
Our Clients
Jeronimo Martins
NM prawo
Media Project Group